Author george sand biography

  • author george sand biography
  • Her novels present a large fresco of romantic sentiment and 19th-century life, especially in its more pastoral aspects. George Nicholas Papanicolaou. George W. France Today. Further reading [ edit ]. Marriage and Lovers When her grandmother died, Aurore became mistress of the estate at Nohant. Some women applied for health, occupational, or recreational reasons e.

    Here are other works of literature and art that explore pastoral life:.

    George sand daughter

    The Guardian. Mozet, Nicole. The latter two works together constitute a great feminine bildungsroman, a historical saga, and a vast novel with a utopian message. She became enthralled with the magic of nature, her education and childhood experiences later finding expression in her lifestyle and works. George Mason University: Narrative Description.

    George Sand was to become not only a novelist and memoirist but also a strong political activist who fought for the rights of women. There is evidence that Sand's most ardent attackers could have been motivated by gender bias, professional or personal jealousy, or genuine aversion to her art and politics. During the s George Sand wrote a number of novels in which she exposed her socialist doctrine joined with a humanitarian religion.

    Related Articles. She and Dudevant had two children: Maurice — and Solange — George Sand.

    George sand autobiography

    Wordsworth and Coleridge were major figures in the Romantic movement. A liaison with the writer Jules Sandeau heralded her literary debut. Her final years were spent at Nohant with the sculptor, Alexandre Manceau, who encouraged her to buy a small cottage in the Indre village of Gargilesse. Sand had affairs with several men. Relationships [ change change source ].

    Retrieved 6 November There, she spent time caring for her granddaughters, for whom she wrote several stories and novels emphasizing self-confidence, acceptance, and change. Sand took Chopin's support of Solange to be extremely disloyal, and confirmation that Chopin had always "loved" Solange. The American poet Walt Whitman cited Sand's novel Consuelo as a personal favorite and the sequel to this novel La Comtesse De Rudolstady contains at least a couple of passages that appear to have had a very direct influence on him.

    In early she left her husband and entered upon a four- or five-year period of "romantic rebellion. They included Jean-Jacques Rousseau, whose works greatly influenced her writing.