Rajagopal sathish biography of abraham lincoln by carl sandburg
Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years - Carl Sandburg - Google Books
Harcourt Brace. Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Tumblr. Pulitzer Prize for History. Although valuable messages and insights are contained in the series, they are widely scattered and well-hidden beneath mountains of minutiae. Create new list Cancel. Need help? Sandburg's Lincoln scholarship, primarily in these volumes, had an enormous impact on the popular view of Lincoln.
Rajagopal sathish biography of abraham lincoln by carl sandburg: MIT OpenCourseWare is grateful to
First editions. Comment Reblog Subscribe Subscribed. Wikidata item. My Reading Lists:. Malcolm Greenhill said: May 14, at pm. But during his time in office, much about his presidency seems naive, excessively cautious, and occasionally inept: from how he handled his Union generals to the timidity with which he approached the eradication of slavery. Loading Comments Already have a WordPress.
Includes index. Sandburg, like Lincoln, was a son of the Illinois prairie and he harbored a lifelong fascination with the sixteenth president. The argument goes something like this. But Sandburg's works on Lincoln also brought substantial criticism. Log in now. ISBN It is an elegantly told account, long on some details and sparse on in-depth analysis.
Download as PDF Printable version. References [ edit ]. August 27, As a source of unique cultural and social context, the series is excellent — but it provides virtually no historical context whatsoever. This article on a nonfiction book about the American Civil War is a stub. Authority control databases VIAF. Like Loading May 14, at pm.