Konkurrenz definition biography pdf
The German penal code punishes it as fraud if someone, in order to increase his own wealth, "damages the property of another by leading to an error based on false pretences. The auThor and The ConTexT Georg Simmel published his journal article on competition in , one year before Max Weber began to publish his ideas on the religious components of modern rational capitalism.
Sociology of Competition by Georg Simmel - Semantic Scholar
The first occurs wherever a number of competitors agree voluntarily to forego certain tactics by which they might outdo each other. Therefore, regardless of all available intellectual justification, victory will very often go to that form of social organization that we call socialism, driven by the immediate attraction of its unified organization, of its internal balance, of its ability to exclude any friction, in contrast to the rhapsodic procedure, the waste or energy, the ambiguity, and the unpredictable forms of production under conditions of competition.
What competitive activities in these various areas of human endeavour have in common is the transformation of intentions of the potentially selfish individual into some common good:. Sixteen lectures presented at the University of Berlin B. But besides that, there is this incredible effect of socializing people: it compels the competitor, who finds his fellow competitor at his side and only as a result of that really starts competing, to approach and appeal to the potential customer, to connect to him, to find out his weaknesses and strengths and to adapt to them, to find or to build all imaginable bridges that might tie the producer's existence and performance to the potential customer.
In social relationships, what is referred to as harmony of interests between society and individual amounts to just this.
Konkurrenz definition biography pdf: Competition “is a form of
In addition, it is forbidden to present the merchandise in such a way as to create the illusion that a larger quantity is being offered than is normally available for the same priceeven if the quantity sold is really as usual and also appropriately priced. This unmasking of idealistic philosophy as a hidden representation of economic life is reversed by Simmel: He describes economic activity as being determined by the power of human imagination.
Institutional subscriptions. But the last few centuries have, on the one hand, given to objective interests and material culture a power and independence previously unheard of; on the other hand. Next Simmel distinguishes between two types of competition. What is defined as "fair" competition in legal proceedings, by contrast, if carefully scrutinized, is always that type which corresponds to its pure form.
But all these negative entries in the social balance sheet of competition pale beside the incredible synthetic power of the fact that competition in society is competition for human beings, a struggle for applause and attention, for acceptance and devotion of every kind, a struggle of the few to gain the many as much as of the many to gain the few; in short, a web of thousands of sociological threads brought about through concentrating the awareness on the wishes, feelings, and thoughts of fellow humans, through the sellers' adaptation to the buyers, through artfully [] multiplied opportunities to make connections and gain approval.
Special Issue of Distinktion. Competition is thus an indirect form of fighting. Competition of this kind is distinctly coloured by the fact that the outcome of the fight in no way fulfils the purpose of the fight, as would apply to all those cases in which fighting is motivated by rage or revenge, punishment or victory as an idealistic end in itself.
Simmel risks the somewhat shocking comparison between the struggle for salvation and gambling:. Click here to sign up. Just as money is primarily a form of interaction and a phenomenon of culture, so is competition. Here they belong together in an immediate and practical way, and here they display their antinomies as complementary parts of a unified entity in the history of ideas.
What mat-ters, in addition, is to win the approval of the customer or other audience to the struggle between the competitors. The chosen as the result of religious predestination or the winner in gambling will not be hated by him who was defeated, rather he will be envied; due to the mutual independence of their performance both are separated by more distance and by a priori indifference toward each other than is the case if they compete in business or in sports.
This is a very pure case of a type that frequently occurs: that which is a means to an end for the species, the group, in short for the larger entity, is an end in itself for the individual, and vice versa. Simmel's article becomes more specifically sociological when he suggests that "the. Competition can be discussed from many different points of view.
The concept of competition in nature before Darwin. A decade before his book on money [] Simmel published On Social Differentiation Simmel to clarify his notion of differentiation and individualization. Competition Socializes Competing Persons All these advantages can only be achieved provided conflict occurs in the specific form of competition.