Anaximenes brief biography examples
A History of Greek Philosophy. Plays Thanks to the stories of the Greek historian Diogenes Laertius, it is known that Anaximenes wrote multiple works. Using two contrary processes of rarefaction and condensation, Anaximenes explains how air is part of a series of changes. Early Greek Philosophy. Privacy policy. The stars may be fixed to this surface like nails.
Like Anaximander, Anaximenes uses his principles to account for various natural phenomena. The philosopher Theophrastus would describe him in his work not only as the disciple, but also as the companion of Anaximander. Lightning and thunder result from wind breaking out of clouds; rainbows are the result of the rays of the sun falling on clouds; earthquakes are caused by the cracking of the earth when it dries out after being moistened by rains.
His eagerness to defend his theory on the origin of matter, led him to disagree with the first principles raised by Thales de Mileto and Anaximander. Buenos Aires: It was Nascent. Fire turns to air, air to wind, wind to cloud, cloud to water, water to earth and earth to stone. The Soul For Anaximenes, the air is divine and causes life.
Anaximenes philosophy contribution
Anaximenes is best known for his doctrine that air is the source of all things. This approach was considered like a step backwards, compared with those made by other Greek philosophers. According to this theory, there is only one substance, in this case air from which all existing things are composed. Of Anaximenes it is known that he was a disciple of Anaximander and that he belonged to the Ionic school or school of Miletus.
These concepts allowed him to explain the quantitative and qualitative modes of movement that gave rise to all the changes in nature. Elemental transformation and origin of the world Anaximenes considered that air, as a primordial element, held the Earth in position, considered flat at that time. Although it is debated whether the greatest legacy of the School of Milesia was taken from the work of Anaximenes or Anaximander, in the works of Pythagoras a clear reflective influence of the work of the first grade has been seen, although it is also supported by certain objective postulates of Anaximander.
In another account, the stars are like fiery leaves floating on air DK13A Philosophy for beginners. Anaximenes fl.
Anaximenes' theory
Kirk, G. Thanks to the arche theory, Anaximenes proposed fundamental physical concepts, such as the different states of matter rarefaction and condensation. Despite these considerations, he started from a materialistic position, in the sense that a recognizable element was responsible for forming the rest of the bodies. With air as a material cause, as the principle of the world, man would also consider himself originated by it; considering that the human soul was air capable of holding the body together.
Anaximenes developed in his work the first studies on the stages of the day from the shadows that were projected in the environment. However, according to the historian Apollodorus of Athens, Anaximenes of Miletus lived during the time of the siege of Sardis and died in approximately BC. Hot and cold do not have an ontological or material status but they are due to rarefaction and condensation.
DK13A5 Using two contrary processes of rarefaction and condensation, Anaximenes explains how air is part of a series of changes.