Yihyeh tov lyrics – david broza

  • yihyeh tov lyrics – david broza
  • Yihyeh tov lyrics – david broza: Yihyeh Tov Hebrew Lyrics:

    When sharing these words please acknowledge the address www. English Transliteration. I look up and watch the clouds as they are learning how to fly, But they cannot hide the warplanes flying swiftly throught the sky. Stand With Ukraine! I have heard many times a different version that is about Saadats Visit to Israel English 1 2 Italian Transliteration.

    Translation 1 2. As I see it, the affirmation "It will be good" is a very tentative one, and I tried to capture that. Children wear wings and fly off to the army and after two years they return without an answer. Yes up there in the sky clouds are learning how to fly and I look up and see a hijacked airplane. The main problem translating this song is the wonderful double-meanings don't survive.

    Jerusalem East Jerusalem-West Jerusalem People living on the edge here need a reason just to breathe, Amid the fighting and the bloodshed, do we dare to talk of peace? Ani mabit mehachalon vezeh oseh li dei atzuv, ha'aviv chalaf avar lo mi yode'a im yashuv haleitzan hayah lemelech hanavi nihyah leitzan veshachachti et haderech aval ani od kan Veyihyeh tov yihyeh tov, ken lif'amim ani nishbar az halailah ho halailah itach ani nish'ar Yeladim lov'shim k'nafaim ve'afim el hatzava ve'acharei sh'nataim hem chozrim lelo t'shuvah anashim chayim bemetach mechapsim sibah lin'shom uvein sin'ah leretzach medabrim al hashalom Veyihyeh tov So you tell me, tell me once again, It will all turn out all right, If you hold me, oh please hold me, I can make it through the night.

    Contributors: LT. Your rating: None Average: 5 1 vote. Send this song to a friend. Browse our Judaica Accessories Collection. Je souhaiterai la traduction de kmo she'at. Print this page Send this song to a friend.

    Yihyeh Tov Lyrics – David Broza | Jewish Rock Radio

    Home About All Songs. It's free, you can add and request translations, and see no ads. Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. Log in to access more features and avoid seeing ads. I look out of the window and it makes me very sad, spring has left who knows when it will return. It's free! Someday we'll learn to live together, into plowshares bend our spears, And our children won't know shelters, won't know borders, won't know fears.

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