New play from writer shril hendryx

  • new play from writer shril hendryx
  • That leaves Salisbury to carry the night in a play not even he can save. The play opens with an image of a marble-white Greek statue gleaming under a hazy pink light. Related Stories. If Paul doesn't live up to the expectations, his career may never be revived.

    New play from writer shril hendryx: “Rich, famous, and socially committed to

    On a similar note, Paul constantly looks outside the hotel's windows and talks about what lies outside; the bombed-out temple of the ancient times and the poetic beauty of the mountains and sunlight glistening over this mystical site. That this play is set on a Greek island, where enigmatic winds howl through ancient ruins, makes perfect sense.

    But many times, as I'm writing, I find out I'm writing about my own demons. And though he can't quite place what it is, the feeling influences him to hire a strange obscure European director to helm the movie he is preparing to shoot on a Greek island - a choice that not only spiral into a powerful and disturbing drama, but offers a provocative look at the human condition here at the beginning of the 21st Century.

    Being politically conscious, however, does not necessarily make Branson particularly aware. He's blind to most of the details that should be guiding his life decisions. When speaking to Mr. But upon meeting Paul again, the man that mirrors her yearnings, she screams out her pain to her husband that she "can't love. For this play , I stretched on what gets to me; the idea that some people are making a movie but hadn't gotten rid of the war within themselves.

    Deckhard's view is Platonic, while Branson is a kind of Oedipus, floundering as he wrongly presumes that the flowers and stars and newspaper headlines he sees are all exactly as he sees them. As the poster of the play suggests - a picture of three chess pieces standing on a chessboard in the backdrop of a beach - Games on a Bombed-Out Beach revolves around the collision of these 3 main characters: Jim, Paul, and Jim's wife, Lisa played by Jane Hajduk.

    Exotic flute music plays in the background, and the audience observes this dance of image and sound for a lingering moment before the light fades to black. Alabaster Aleichem Sholom archy and mehitabel,.. Home Contact Log In. The Bransons make an uneasy couple — he trying hard to please and she trying hard to relax. Actors skilfully communicate the complexities of their characters and touch the right notes with their performances.

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    ‘Games on a Bombed-Out Beach’: Theater Review - The …

    Home Contact Subscribe Log In. Branson is a guy who places intuition above research. As Branson's wife, Hajduk offers a delicate and plausible performance as her character becomes morosely introspective and drawn to Deckhard's darkness. I Want a Country It's a Bird And at last, Lisa has married Jim, not for love, but for Jim's ability to cope with life, hoping for it to rub off on her.

    All Rights Reserved. The play's other virtue lies in how the many dimensions of its central characters keep unfolding. Both characters are annoying in their own way, but being likable was never a requirement for complex characters to be intriguing. Granted the cracks in their relationship are meant to be evident but these two never look like a married couple.

    Thomas Meleck's arch-punctuated Mediterranean set design combines bedroom and bar with a ramshackle hotel's entryway. As the writer and director of the play, Shirl Hendryx wants us to recognize the deeper connection between Lisa and Paul - the two lost souls - through the similarity in the color of their wardrobe, their mannerisms and the dialogue.