Arthur balfour biography

  • arthur balfour biography
  • Arthur Cayley. Balfour's use of the Unionist majority in the House of Lords to block Liberal legislation showed a harder edge to his leadership. Unusually for one who had held the highest office in the land, Balfour showed his true worth long after he left Downing Street. Arthur, Bea —. As party opinion moved in Chamberlain's direction, the Prime Minister offered the prospect of a colonial conference on the issue after the next election, and a promise that a final scheme would be put to the people at another general election.

    The historian Jason Tomes has demonstrated the coherence of Balfour's world-view.

    Lord balfour

    At the suggestion of his uncle, Lord Salisbury, Balfour entered politics and won a Conservative seat in the House of Commons in Balfour's long career was facilitated by his privileged background as the product of a Scottish landowning family. In he became president of the Society for Psychical Research , serving his term between two periods as vice-president, from to and from to Arthur Findlay College.

    He was awarded honorary degrees in law and philosophy by British, American, and Polish universities. British prime minister , classical scholar, and one of the most brilliant and eminent students of psychical research. Arthur Whitten Brown. London: Longmans, Green, London: Cassell, As a metaphysician, his main concern was to find bases for modern religious belief.

    Thank you for your feedback. An older, more personal treatment is Blanche E. In a similar but less well known letter dated 11 November he had an enduring impact on a different corner of the globe when he confirmed that the United Kingdom acknowledged the statehood of Latvia. London: Sheldon Press, Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography.

    Arthur balfour family tree

    Arthur III. Arthur Leonard Schawlow. Balfour was largely responsible for the declaration which bears his name, authorized by the War Cabinet and affirming British support for a Jewish national home in Palestine. Learn more about citation styles Citation styles Encyclopedia. Balfour's political career was by no means at an end, however.

    View all past prime ministers. Meanwhile Balfour articulated a more limited plan for the pragmatic use of retaliatory tariffs as a lever in international trade - a compromise which failed to win the support of either extreme. More From encyclopedia. Balfour served successively as secretary for Scotland, as chief secretary for Ireland he restored order and enacted salutary land reforms , and finally in as first lord of the Treasury and leader of the House of Commons.

    Balfour, Arthur James 1st Earl of Balfour gale.