Muhammad hidayatullah biography in english

  • muhammad hidayatullah biography in english
  • Mohammad Hidayatullah received the Phillips Scholarship in from this college. Ray Mirza Hameedullah Beg Y. Retrieved 30 September Having served at all of these positions made Hidayatullah unique among other members of Indian history. Sathasivam Rajendra Mal Lodha H. Your Name. Tracked Cases: 0. After his retirement, Hidayatullah was elected as the Vice-President of India by a consensus among different parties and occupied that high office with distinction from to August Balakrishnan S.

    Varahagiri Venkata Giri Acting.

    First deputy prime minister of india

    Almost a decade after his retirement from the office of the CJI in , in the aftermath of the dissolution of the erstwhile Janata government, Hidayatullah J was appointed as the 6th Vice President of India on August 31st Zulfiquar Memon. He got LL. References [ edit ]. Mirajkar v State of Punjab , Chandrachud P. Hidayutullah J was the sole dissent of the 9-Judge Bench.

    Suggest Philip Hartog profile update. Presidents of India, Mohammad Hidayatullah got the gold medal from Trinity College, part of the University of Cambridge, in by earning the second place in the first class in law studies, as you may remember. In , he entered Trinity College at the University of Cambridge to pursue a legal education.

    Kapadia Altamas Kabir P. Santha Sheela Nair Views: In office 25 February — 16 December During his tenure as the Vice-President, he won the respect of all concerned for his impartiality and independence.

    Fakhruddin ali ahmed

    Tikaram Meena. While at Cambridge, Hidayatullah was elected and served as the President of the Indian Majlis in Chief justices of India list. He received the Malak Gold Medal following his graduation in President of India Acting Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Zakir Husain V. Varahagiri Venkata Giri.