Judge angela stokes cleveland plain dealer customer service

  • judge angela stokes cleveland plain dealer customer service
  • Happy New Year from Clevelandurbannews. First elected in and re-elected twice since then, she had been accused of abusing court staff, defendants, and lawyers, and moving too slowly through her docket. While the recent Complaint filed before the Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline of the Ohio Supreme Court contains allegations concerning alleged abuse, I am most troubled by the assertion that I may be suffering from a mental illness which interferes in my ability to serve as a judge.

    Apply Reset. Historically, there have been a few ways to learn about judicial candidates. Back Our Writers. With counts, it is assured that had this matter gone to trial, Stokes would have been found guilty of something.

    An Asshole With a Gavel: Read the Document Detailing Abuse By …

    In addition to voting for judges by name recognition, voters sometimes select judicial candidates according to their political parties. In addition, the State of Ohio, through the Disciplinary Counsel of the Ohio Supreme Court, has spent untold dollars on prosecuting the case, also a taxpayers expense. Catch-up on our articles Nor did they inquire as to how Stokes was allowed to pick and chose lawyers.

    In an article appearing in the Plain Dealer the day of the settlement, Zuckerman bragged that the case was over because of his outstanding legal skills and was unapologetic when questioned by Action 19 News regarding the legal fees he earned from the City. She has done enough damage to the citizens of this community and to the coffers of the City of Cleveland.

    Merry Christmas from Clevelandurbannews. But when your name is Stokes, I guess you have certain privileges. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email. If 10, Cleveland voters had done so, the taxpayers of the City of Cleveland and the State of Ohio would be much richer and the persons who appeared before now former Judge Angela Stokes and the public at large would not have been subjected to abuse by a person who was clearly not suited to wear the robe of a judge.

    Issue Media Group is an online news publishing company with an emphasis on community engagement and solutions. Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper Ohio Congresswoman Shontel Brown responds to Trump's inauguration events, saying Democrats conducted a peaceful transfer of power, unlike Trump in Those voters should now take stock of what their vote cost the City of Cleveland and the State of Ohio.

    At the next level, the state has 12 appellate courts, where citizens can appeal rulings by common pleas judges and juries.

    Judge angela stokes cleveland plain dealer customer service: The Ohio Supreme Court has

    Election Questions? Moreno Urges U. Meanwhile, judges and candidates can help by participating more in the democratic process. The name Stokes has been magic in this community and rightfully so. Become a supporter today. First Lady Jill Biden applauds the move I think not.